Hi everyone! You should have gotten an email/text from either Mark or Monica about the schedule, but please read through this one, as we've updated a few things with some important information.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH 4:00pm - Shuttle from Le Meridien hotel to Duke's Malibu - You must RSVP with one of us in order to take this shuttle (we booked this according to the number of people who already responded). There is a little bit of space left on this shuttle. If you would like to take this shuttle, please let us know right away, as the list is first-come (RSVP) first-serve. 4:45pm - Arrive at Duke's Malibu - if you will not be taking the shuttle, please arrive promptly by 4:45pm, because...
5:00pm - Ceremony begins! 6:00pm - Cocktail hour with Appetizers 7:00pm - Dinner service begins
11:00pm - Shuttle back to Le Meridien hotel - again, you must RSVP with one of us in order to take this shuttle (we booked this according to the number of people who already responded). There is a little bit of space for a few more people on this shuttle. If you would like to take this shuttle, please let us know right away, as the list is first-come (RSVP) first-serve. After Party: Viceroy Hotel (TBD) ----- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6TH
11:00am - 1:30pm: Brunch at Sonoma Wine Garden in Santa Monica - We unexpectedly, but happily, received an overwhelming response for this event, and we are already over capacity, so this will also have to be restricted to just those who already responded to us... :( We’d still love to hang out with you another time, and if you’re local, we can grab brunch (or another meal) on a more restful weekend. :P